Already have a wholesale account?
Please click "Account" at the top right corner of this page. Log into your existing account with the email and password that you used to create your wholesale account.
Interested in becoming a retailer?
If you are based in the United States, please fill out our wholesale application form below.
If you are based in Canada, please email us at shop@threebluebirds.com to inquire about setting up a wholesale account.
IMPORTANT: If you have signed up to receive our email newsletter, you must use a different email address to apply for a wholesale account.
— After filling out the form, be sure that the following message appears on your screen: "Thank you for applying for a wholesale account. We will review your information and get back to you shortly! Lynda and Lasse."
— If this message does not appear, then your form has not been successfully submitted. Either you have entered an email address that is already in our system or there is information missing on your form.
— Please email us if you do not receive this message or have any difficulty.